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Bart De Neve, the full story

About Me

Passionate about top sport, I continue to monitor the balance between  wellness, happiness and health for peak performances. This is how Top-Tier Equine Vetting was born.


I discovered the amazing smell of horses when I was four years old. It is the first memory of my early life 

I am more connected to animals than to humans, an important insight that I discovered very early in my life, because several experiences had taught me that animals never lie. Soon I learned how animals live, alone or in a herd, and what arrangements they make to survive. I was very young when I sniffed the amazing smell of horses. From the age of four, I discovered their behavior, communication and also their frustrations and illnesses, which made me quietly realize what my vocation was: to help animals, because humans are often less honest and sincere.

National Geographic teaches me all about nature and wildlife: how they evolve and constantly reinvent themselves

From the age of seven, I followed the fascinating documentaries on National Geographic. Until today, I remain captivated by their amazing stories and stunning images.


The connection with animals makes me an excellent veterinarian

I developed a passion for horses' behavior, which made me understand them better than people. As a young adult, I often walked into the pasture where horses gave me peace, comfort, mental strength, happiness and understanding.


In 1998, I graduated as a Veterinary Surgeon from UGent University in Belgium and I specialized in medical imaging for the next several years.


In 2000, I took my oath as licensed veterinarian, which allows me to take blood samples for horses traveling internationally, accompanied by the health papers necessary for participation in international jumpings.



"He who is cruel to animals, cannot be a good person"

Schopenauer 1788-1860

There are lots of factors that determine and influence peak performance. Not only genetic material, intelligence, physical fitness and technical capability, but also mental health, hormonal balance, well-being, memories from the past, nutritional balance and the perfect interplay between rider and horse contribute to top sport performances. We, humans, sometimes seem to forget the complexity of the interplay of these factors on peak performances.


When racing with my racebike, I'm experiencing how an elevated heart rate influences my mindset and physical health. Being sincere and straightforward are high values for myself, my family, friends and clients who are striving for top-tier performances, together with their champions.

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